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Many Catholic students are studying in Non-Catholic educational institutions. 

Hence, they miss out on the important aspect of receiving proper Catholic instructions on faith and moral, during the crucial years of their growth.  Hence the Commission for Catechetics, oversees the Catechism classes on Sundays in the various Parishes of the Archdiocese.

Catechism books and syllabus for Sunday Catechism is prescribed by the Commission and promulgated at the beginning of the academic year.  The conduct of Catechism classes is the responsibility of the team of faith formators of respective Parishes. 

Individual Parishes conduct a Catechism examination at the end of the academic year and the results are forwarded to the Commission’s office for record.  This is an important area, as there are a large number of Catholic students studying in Non-Catholic schools, but only a very low percentage of them attend Sunday Catechism in their Parishes.

Annual Catechism Examination.     


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